Friday, January 10, 2014


I left everyone hanging in the last post. We had presented to a birth mom and were waiting to hear about a baby girl. The wait was excruciating, and once again we weren't chosen. It was okay though, that just wasn't the baby that was planned for us.

That same day that we got our news that we weren't chosen yet again, I received another phone call from our consultant. She asked if we had time to fill out paper work so that we could present if we were interested.. We were in the car on our way home for Thanksgiving, and couldn't really do any paper work for at least 4 more hours. During that car ride we read over the information about the situation we could present for. It seemed like another great scenario, so we prayed together about what to do. The amount of money this one would cost was more than we were expecting, but God gave us a clear answer to take this leap of faith. We called our consultant back and put our yes on the table. She said that as soon as we arrived to our destination, we needed to get an application filled out, scanned in and sent immediately so that we wouldn't miss this chance. We got to my dad's house in West Kentucky at around 3:30 on November 25th. We rushed into the office to get the application printed so that we could fill it out and scan it back. The application was 7 pages long... and at the end had some "essay questions". I hit print on the screen... and nothing happened. We did some trouble shooting, and nothing happened. I began to panic. I just knew we were going to miss this opportunity because of faulty equipment. My dad jumped on the phone and called one of his neighbors. The neighbor said his printer was out of ink. Seriously? He then called another neighbor, and they said I was more than welcome to come over and print it out. I ran next door with my flash drive, and started printing... finally! One page printed, and then... an error message pops up, color ink is out. No big deal, I switch it to black and white only. Error.. Color ink is low. Really?! Why now... I felt as if I had been defeated.

I walked back to my dad's house, very irritated and very sad that this was happening at this important moment in my life. I thought to myself that this was God's way of telling me this wasn't what He wanted us to do, and that we hadn't understood Him earlier when we said yes. I walked back into my dad's house, and he had gotten the printer to work finally, and a copy of the application was in his hand. Praise GOD! He wasn't telling us no, He was just testing my patience... and I failed the test. We sat and filled out the 7 pages of information, and answered our long essays at the end. We got it sent in... just in time! A phone call came later that evening from our consultant. The birth mom wanted to have a conference call with us the next day. I was so nervous, and so concerned that we wouldn't say the right things during our phone call. The conference call was scheduled for 11 a.m., and that was all I could think about for the rest of the night. This was the furthest we had ever gotten in the adoption process.

The time came for our conference call... and we didn't hear anything. We were on pins and needles waiting for the phone to ring. 11:00 a.m. had come and gone. 11:10... still nothing. Had the birth mom changed her mind over night? Finally around 11:15 we got a call. A lady from the birth mom's agency was on the phone. She asked us some questions and then told us how the call would work. We then waited for her to patch the birth mom in. I was all nerves.. and then click* we had accidentally been disconnected.  A few minutes went by and the phone finally rang again, and we were connected to the birth mom. We then completed our call and had to wait to hear back from the agency to see if the birth mom was still interested in us.

At around 11:40 a.m. on November 26th we received a phone call from our consultant. The first words out of her mouth were... "Congratulations! You have a match!" I was floored, and immediately overwhelmed with emotion. Could this be real?! Did this really happen? The moment we were waiting for... and it still just doesn't seem real.

We recently got a phone call from the agency, and our baby girl, Layla James Mullins, is scheduled to be delivered via c-section on March 21st in Utah. We are aware of the unknowns about adoption, and we have heard about failed adoptions and mothers changing their minds, but right now, we just want to live in the moment. In the end, this may not be the child that God has chosen for us, but right now I just want to be a proud expectant mom of a sweet baby girl.

Rosco and Addie wanted to tell the world...

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